Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Angel Ornaments For Zeke

My fantastic grandma is at it again!  As if the beautiful owls weren't enough, she made these gorgeous petite angel ornaments!

They are handmade and one of a kind.  You won't find these in any department store.   She makes everything with such a special grace and care.  She always goes to extra lengths to make sure everything she is making is the very best it could be.  
She actually told me the other night "You know what amazes me, Kaite?"  I asked her what and she said "That people are actually wanting the things I've made." I smiled and told her it was obvious why.  You can just look at the creation of hers and see the love pouring from it.  I hope that one day I can be as skilled and passionate like she it. :)   I know everyone here buys my stuff to mostly help Zeke, but I think you should know how much it means to me sweet grandma as well. :)  

Onto it though!  Here are the choices I have!  I'm limited on blue, red and the soft green.   So if those are your picks hurry! :) 

And here's how I've set pricing up.  When you donate any amount of $10 or more to Zeke
 you will get to chose a set of four, whatever colors you'd like!   

These make great little Christmas presents, or even keepsakes.  

Each angel represents something special, blue stands for HOPE,  Soft green stands for PRAYER, Checkered green stands for JOY and the red stands for LOVE. 

Please share with your friends!  :)  

Before you donate you can email me your order @ Ksizemore16@gmail.com or if we're friends on Facebook just pm me!  I'll try to reply asap! :)  


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