Friday, February 13, 2015

Making Valentine's Day Count

If you are feeling down about Valentine's Day, this little note/post is for you.

Something that I have learned recently is that when God closes one door, it's not the end.  It doesn't mean that he isn't there anymore, or that he wasn't there during that specific time or situation.   He's always there, always listening, and that's why some doors are closed.  He knows our beginning and end.  If we are stumbling into a door he knows isn't the one for us he will protect you.  And where one door closes, there may be a long pause before you reach the one that is opened for you.  

I believe that God protects us from harm in relationships as well.   If you are single this Valentine's Day, just
 believe that God has a good reason for that door being closed.  He could be saving you for something much bigger and better down the road. :)

All I am simply saying is that, instead of feeling sorry for yourself tomorrow, praise the Lord for the day he has given you and for the situation you are in.   You don't have plans for tomorrow?  Take advantage of that time and bless someone.

And that goes so far beyond Valentine's Day.   Every time you wake, you've been given a chance to touch someones life in a positive way.   Whether it be praying for someone, paying for a meal, giving a smile, donating to a charity, or helping an elder load groceries into her car,  It makes a difference and through it you are shining the love God has given you

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" - Mattew 5:16 (ESV)

Don't make tomorrow "just another day".   Make tomorrow a day to share the love you've been given. 

Every breath on this earth is a blessing from the Lord.   He gives you life to live.    He made you for a bigger purpose than you may realize.  

For example; You wouldn't create something so beautiful and unique for no purpose.  You wouldn't just make it so it could sit somewhere and collect dust.

With God being the creator of the universe and all, I think he had a pretty good purpose for the creation he made in his own imagine. ;)

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them"  Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with blessings! :)
Note: I write posts like these in hopes that they will be a help and blessing to someone.   I don't intend on hurting any feelings or saying that I know best, just simply sharing my opinion and lessons I've learned in life. :)    Thank you for reading! :)