As of right now all of the money will be donated to Vera's family's adoption grant.

We are currently at an impressive $139 in the Easter Basket Giveaway and I'm praying that it will continue to grow! I haven't done a very good job at promoting this fundraiser recently, but I'm going step up my game and share it as much as I cam!
I am so grateful for every single donation (entry) made in the Easter Basket Giveaway! It's overwhelming how many people love this precious little girl and want to see her home and happy in the arms of her family!

I would appreciate any donations of any amount at this point! You will still get entered into winning the basket!
There are lots of goodies in store for you if you win! Click here to see all the many prizes that are in the basket for the winner. And to also learn more information about this fundraiser and the entry costs. :)
Thank you for reading and please be sure to share this fundraiser! It will be a huge help! :)
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