Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Advocacy Thankfulness Post

Thankful #1

.One of the things I am most thankful for this year is the direction God led me in.   I am thankful that I answered the calling He has for me right now.   I am thankful he has given me the resources to help the children that spend every day of their lives alone in an orphanage.  No, I'm not fishing for credit or compliments, just truthfully saying "Thank you" to God for giving me this desire to do the little bit I can to help someone in need.  I am so grateful that he has opened a door for me to be the voice for some of the voiceless.   I just play a small role in helping innocent children that don't have anywhere, anything or anyone to call their own.   They don't know love, they've never celebrated their birthday's and they haven't ever had a safe place to call home.  Some of the things we take for granted almost everyday.  That is why this Thanksgiving I am simply saying that I am thankful God has opened my eyes to this situation and given me the resources to do what I can to help.   It may not be very much, but it's a start and when you live a life full of nothings, everything counts.  Big or small.    So number one thankful this year would be the passion God has placed in my heart and the resources to help, even if it's just a little bit. :) 

Thankful #2

I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful adopting parents!  Whether I know them or not, every one of them are incredibly special to me!  They've chosen to give second chances to lives that were abandon and given them a family.  A home, a place to sleep and people to call family!   There's almost nothing greater than this.  I am personally so thankful for every adopting parent(s).  <3  

Thankful #3

Zeke.  Yes, the precious orphan I have been shouting, tweeting and posting about for the last month!  He has brought me so much joy and happiness.  I am grateful for his photos and that sweet smile that reminds me every time I'm feeling low that what I am doing matters.  He keeps the fire in advocating going and can spark flames in me when I need it.   His Angel Tree ornament hangs right where I can see it on the tree while I blog.    He has added something special to my life that I need right now.   He's given me a hope and fuel to continue advocating for orphans, adoptions, etc.  

Thankful #4

My family and best friend!   Oh my goodness, I would be lost without them both.  My parents have been so supportive and encouraging in my advocating journey since day one!  Along with my sisters, best friend and mom's parents!  They all have donated their money, efforts and time to me when it comes to helping these children.  They've never failed me or discouraged me and that is something so rare and precious.   Because in the world we live in most people ignore what I do, think it's pointless and I'm sure that don't say it, but they think I'm crazy.  To have a support team around me is the biggest blessing!  I will forever be grateful for them.


So there's a few of my top things that I am incredibly grateful for this Thanksgiving!  Comment and tell me some of yours!  I'd love to know! :)

If you are (or know someone that is) a Christmas Warrior this Angel Tree don't forget to check out my Angel Tree Tee fundraiser that ends in TWO DAYS!!  I need one more order before they can be printed!  Please share! :)   CLICK HERE TO GO TO TEESPRING AND SEE THE SHIRT!

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