Thankful #1
.One of the things I am most thankful for this year is the direction God led me in. I am thankful that I answered the calling He has for me right now. I am thankful he has given me the resources to help the children that spend every day of their lives alone in an orphanage. No, I'm not fishing for credit or compliments, just truthfully saying "Thank you" to God for giving me this desire to do the little bit I can to help someone in need. I am so grateful that he has opened a door for me to be the voice for some of the voiceless. I just play a small role in helping innocent children that don't have anywhere, anything or anyone to call their own. They don't know love, they've never celebrated their birthday's and they haven't ever had a safe place to call home. Some of the things we take for granted almost everyday. That is why this Thanksgiving I am simply saying that I am thankful God has opened my eyes to this situation and given me the resources to do what I can to help. It may not be very much, but it's a start and when you live a life full of nothings, everything counts. Big or small. So number one thankful this year would be the passion God has placed in my heart and the resources to help, even if it's just a little bit. :)
Thankful #2
I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful adopting parents! Whether I know them or not, every one of them are incredibly special to me! They've chosen to give second chances to lives that were abandon and given them a family. A home, a place to sleep and people to call family! There's almost nothing greater than this. I am personally so thankful for every adopting parent(s). <3
Thankful #3
Zeke. Yes, the precious orphan I have been shouting, tweeting and posting about for the last month! He has brought me so much joy and happiness. I am grateful for his photos and that sweet smile that reminds me every time I'm feeling low that what I am doing matters. He keeps the fire in advocating going and can spark flames in me when I need it. His Angel Tree ornament hangs right where I can see it on the tree while I blog. He has added something special to my life that I need right now. He's given me a hope and fuel to continue advocating for orphans, adoptions, etc.
Thankful #4
My family and best friend! Oh my goodness, I would be lost without them both. My parents have been so supportive and encouraging in my advocating journey since day one! Along with my sisters, best friend and mom's parents! They all have donated their money, efforts and time to me when it comes to helping these children. They've never failed me or discouraged me and that is something so rare and precious. Because in the world we live in most people ignore what I do, think it's pointless and I'm sure that don't say it, but they think I'm crazy. To have a support team around me is the biggest blessing! I will forever be grateful for them.
So there's a few of my top things that I am incredibly grateful for this Thanksgiving! Comment and tell me some of yours! I'd love to know! :)
If you are (or know someone that is) a Christmas Warrior this Angel Tree don't forget to check out my Angel Tree Tee fundraiser that ends in TWO DAYS!! I need one more order before they can be printed! Please share! :) CLICK HERE TO GO TO TEESPRING AND SEE THE SHIRT!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Angel Tree Tee for Zeke!

So I've really wanted an Angel Tree shirt since the beginning of time, lol! And after discussing it with my best friend, she said she'd like one too. I got permission for Miss Lucille and created the ultimate Christmas Warrior t-shirt. In the perfect holiday color, forest green. :) I did add the color red in the v-neck choice just in case anyone was interested in that one as well.
In the forest green you can chose the hoodie, t-shirt, or long sleeved shirt. In the red one you can only pick the v-neck. I personally like the forest green color more, it's something different that most people don't have a ton of that color in their closet. Verses red, I have too many red shirts from various events.
All the shirts, but one are $22 and the hoodie is $35. :)
I hope that every Christmas Warrior will consider purchasing at least one of these items. It's a wonderful keepsake to remind you of this Angel Tree 2014 and that precious child you fought so hard for! :)
All the money made from this fundraiser will benefit Zeke during Angel Tree. :)
Monday, November 17, 2014
The Valenzuela family that I am an official Family Warrior is holding a fantastic live auction on Instagram today to benefit their adoption! I've added some items and there are SO many great things from others as well!
It ends at 10 p.m. tonight so HURRY! Jump on Instagram find @Marcylue.v read the picture that states the auction's rules then GO BID and help them bring home little Sofia!
Please share with your friends and go follow her!
It ends at 10 p.m. tonight so HURRY! Jump on Instagram find @Marcylue.v read the picture that states the auction's rules then GO BID and help them bring home little Sofia!
Please share with your friends and go follow her!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Angel Ornaments For Zeke
My fantastic grandma is at it again! As if the beautiful owls weren't enough, she made these gorgeous petite angel ornaments!
They are handmade and one of a kind. You won't find these in any department store. She makes everything with such a special grace and care. She always goes to extra lengths to make sure everything she is making is the very best it could be.
She actually told me the other night "You know what amazes me, Kaite?" I asked her what and she said "That people are actually wanting the things I've made." I smiled and told her it was obvious why. You can just look at the creation of hers and see the love pouring from it. I hope that one day I can be as skilled and passionate like she it. :) I know everyone here buys my stuff to mostly help Zeke, but I think you should know how much it means to me sweet grandma as well. :)
Onto it though! Here are the choices I have! I'm limited on blue, red and the soft green. So if those are your picks hurry! :)
They are handmade and one of a kind. You won't find these in any department store. She makes everything with such a special grace and care. She always goes to extra lengths to make sure everything she is making is the very best it could be.
She actually told me the other night "You know what amazes me, Kaite?" I asked her what and she said "That people are actually wanting the things I've made." I smiled and told her it was obvious why. You can just look at the creation of hers and see the love pouring from it. I hope that one day I can be as skilled and passionate like she it. :) I know everyone here buys my stuff to mostly help Zeke, but I think you should know how much it means to me sweet grandma as well. :)
Onto it though! Here are the choices I have! I'm limited on blue, red and the soft green. So if those are your picks hurry! :)
And here's how I've set pricing up. When you donate any amount of $10 or more to Zeke
you will get to chose a set of four, whatever colors you'd like!
you will get to chose a set of four, whatever colors you'd like!
These make great little Christmas presents, or even keepsakes.
Each angel represents something special, blue stands for HOPE, Soft green stands for PRAYER, Checkered green stands for JOY and the red stands for LOVE.
Please share with your friends! :)
Before you donate you can email me your order @ or if we're friends on Facebook just pm me! I'll try to reply asap! :)
Saturday, November 8, 2014
2 Days Left of the Tshirt Fundraiser!!
I have to give a huge thanks to my best friend, Alyssa! I expressed to her that I was getting really discouraged with never having my tshirt fundraisers work out. Well she so kindly shared and asked people to buy one for me and Zeke's Angel Tree. She must have some "magical" touch because once she did that, there were 3 shirts reserved in one day. Then her lovely mother also shared on her Facebook page and I got one or two from that and after I shared a few more times we're up to 8 tshirts that will all be printed in just 2 days!!

Have you gotten one yet?! This shirt will always remind you of the little boy you helped save.
And I'm sure this shirt will be a conversation starter, which means it will lead you to helping more children in the future. You can tell them about Zeke and how he's listed on They'll go home, and research it. Who knows, they might even open a door they've never thought about before and think about the possibility of adopting.
The possibilities are endless and it all starts with you and one simple tshirt. :)
Click here to purchase a shirt!
I'm not going to beg you to buy one, but I hope that you do! And if you aren't able to buy one yourself, please just share! Anything counts and I am so incredibly grateful for your shares!
Here's the link you can copy and paste to your social media pages

Have you gotten one yet?! This shirt will always remind you of the little boy you helped save.
And I'm sure this shirt will be a conversation starter, which means it will lead you to helping more children in the future. You can tell them about Zeke and how he's listed on They'll go home, and research it. Who knows, they might even open a door they've never thought about before and think about the possibility of adopting.
The possibilities are endless and it all starts with you and one simple tshirt. :)
Click here to purchase a shirt!
I'm not going to beg you to buy one, but I hope that you do! And if you aren't able to buy one yourself, please just share! Anything counts and I am so incredibly grateful for your shares!
Here's the link you can copy and paste to your social media pages
Let's try to reach at least ten shirts in the next two days! Let's do it!!!
Friday, November 7, 2014
Owls for Angel Tree
My wonderful grandma has handmade all these very cute and unique owls for Zeke's Angel Tree!
She has spent several hours and lots of money to make these just to help me out. A few of you might remember the adorable mini owls she made last year, there were only three of those. And this year there are FIVE, but I expect they'll go very quickly since I she probably won't be making anymore and there is only one of each! If you need to take a better look at the photo just click on it and make it larger, by the way. :)
I'm asking for a simple donation of $25 for each owl. They're so special and make perfect gifts for children and even adults! The blue one has been sitting on my shelf for a few weeks and has made lovely decor! I'm going to miss him actually, lol!
Up close photos and short description of owls:
Note* each one are the same size and about the size of your average stuffed animal. Perfect!
Red Multicolored dots
Leaf/Floral looking print:
Blue lattice work print.
Stripped print with dark orange legs!
Another red multicolored dot owl with green legs with white dots!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sofia's Story: Meet the Valenzuela Family
Meet the Valenzuela family!
Robinson and Marcy and their young daughter, Ariana are Christian family living in Utah.
Marcy bought her first house at age 21, owned her own business at 25 and switched careers to full time mommy at age 30. Robinson has served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. He loves animation and bringing joy to children, he now works LDS Motion Picture Studios as a Visual Special Effects Animator, and loves it.
Marcy has given birth to two children with Down syndrome, her first, a son, only lived a few short hours due to sever heart issues. Her 7th pregnancy and only successful birth God blessed them with their daughter, Ariana whom also has Down syndrome.

Robinson and Marcy have been through many trials from miscarriages, funerals and Robinson having Testicular cancer, that was successfully cured, thankfully. And they're now pregnant and due in June of 2015.
They fell in love with Sofia from the moment they first saw her. Miracle after miracle has led them to believe that their Heavenly Father has led to believe that He is leading and guiding them through bringing little Sofia home.
For privacy reasons Sofia's picture can't be shared on any social media, so Mr. Valenzuela created this logo created from a picture of Ariana.
They have a wonderful tshirt fundraiser going on to help fund Sofia's adoption,
You can read more about it and get one for yourself by clicking here.
I am going to order one soon! :)
And everyone should go follow their website @ !
You can follow their adoption closely and help them by donating, sharing and praying.
Do it for sweet little Ariana! She wants her sissy home! <3
I believe 100 percent that God has put this family in my life for a reason, along with sweet little Sofia. I am going to try my hardest to help them bring her home. Their adoption is estimated to cost a total of $45,000!
It's going to take miracles, but as the Valenzuela family said, God is already guiding them through their adoption process. I'm confident that He'll continue. <3
I am currently selling custom tutus and 50 percent of each item profit is donated to their adoption. The other 50 goes to supplies. Please like and follow my page and order a tutu or hair bow! Shipping is free!
The Glitter Corner Facebook page (<---Click the link)
Also visit my brand new Etsy page The Glitter Corner Etsy shop! (<--Click the link to visit the page)
I'm brainstorming for other fundraiser ideas. :)
Thanks for reading! I'll be posting on this lovely family a lot in the near future! So please follow or subscribe by email to get updates! Thanks!
Robinson and Marcy and their young daughter, Ariana are Christian family living in Utah.
Marcy bought her first house at age 21, owned her own business at 25 and switched careers to full time mommy at age 30. Robinson has served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. He loves animation and bringing joy to children, he now works LDS Motion Picture Studios as a Visual Special Effects Animator, and loves it.
Marcy has given birth to two children with Down syndrome, her first, a son, only lived a few short hours due to sever heart issues. Her 7th pregnancy and only successful birth God blessed them with their daughter, Ariana whom also has Down syndrome.

Robinson and Marcy have been through many trials from miscarriages, funerals and Robinson having Testicular cancer, that was successfully cured, thankfully. And they're now pregnant and due in June of 2015.
They fell in love with Sofia from the moment they first saw her. Miracle after miracle has led them to believe that their Heavenly Father has led to believe that He is leading and guiding them through bringing little Sofia home.
For privacy reasons Sofia's picture can't be shared on any social media, so Mr. Valenzuela created this logo created from a picture of Ariana.
They have a wonderful tshirt fundraiser going on to help fund Sofia's adoption,
You can read more about it and get one for yourself by clicking here.
I am going to order one soon! :)
And everyone should go follow their website @ !
You can follow their adoption closely and help them by donating, sharing and praying.
Do it for sweet little Ariana! She wants her sissy home! <3
![]() | |
"Help bring sissy home!" -Aria ;) |
I believe 100 percent that God has put this family in my life for a reason, along with sweet little Sofia. I am going to try my hardest to help them bring her home. Their adoption is estimated to cost a total of $45,000!
It's going to take miracles, but as the Valenzuela family said, God is already guiding them through their adoption process. I'm confident that He'll continue. <3
I am currently selling custom tutus and 50 percent of each item profit is donated to their adoption. The other 50 goes to supplies. Please like and follow my page and order a tutu or hair bow! Shipping is free!
The Glitter Corner Facebook page (<---Click the link)
Also visit my brand new Etsy page The Glitter Corner Etsy shop! (<--Click the link to visit the page)
I'm brainstorming for other fundraiser ideas. :)
Thanks for reading! I'll be posting on this lovely family a lot in the near future! So please follow or subscribe by email to get updates! Thanks!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Angel Tree Banner Choices
Since all of my profit from The Glitter Corner will be donated to the Valenzuela family and their adoption, I decided that my annual Angel Tree/Christmas Warrior banners would be a nice thing to do for my little Angel Tree man, Zeke!
And you might be wondering what in the world "banners" even are, so let me briefly explain because it's a wonderful way to promote and show off your Angel Tree child, adoption fundraisers and more! :)
Banners are the "covers" of your social media things (Basically the photo behind your profile picture).
I make them for Facebook personal profiles, Facebook pages, Twitter, Etsy, Wordpress, Blogger and you can also send in a request.
I have two prices for banners, $5 and $10. And either one is donated to Zeke's Angel Tree.
2014 Signature Angel Tree Banner $10
This one is the signature Angel Tree 2014 banner this year so it's a $10 donation :)
(If you select this one I can add your blog link and change the name font color to your choice!)
Gift Box Banner $5
This one is a $5 donation and comes in three different colors :)
Comes in Red, Black and Green. You can add links to your blog and the color of the name.
Snowman Banner $5
This one is avaliable in pretty much any color you request, but I have the most popular ones listed below.
This one also comes in the colors listed below, you may also request a color if you don't see one you're interested in.
I'll be adding more options tomorrow, but for now this is a preview! Let me know if you need one! :)
P.S. Don't forget to check out my Tshirt fundraiser going on for Zeke! (Link below!)
Monday, October 27, 2014
My first Angel Tree child has a wonderful family committed to adopting her (The same fantastic family I am a Family Warrior for..). Reece's Rainbow told me that I had to chose another child, so I thought about it for a little while and decided not to do Angel Tree this time around.
And then I talked with Alyssa and she kind of talked some sense into me and reminded me of just HOW much I truly do love being a Christmas Warrior. With over 50 kids listed on the Angel Tree 2014 I knew that there was a kid that needed me this year. There's only 4 days left until Angel Tree starts, and still over 50 KIDS, that's not okay! (Scroll down to see how you can become a Christmas Warrior today!)
I began scrolling through the children available kids and was pretty sure I knew which one I was going to commit to, but then I saw one. One that I was somewhat familiar with from looking at the page SO much the day my first AT child was added to "My Family Found Me" page.
His photo made my heart melt and his story made me freeze and read it twice more. He was abandon at age 5. FIVE. Let that sink in a minute. Imagine a 5 year old you know being abandon. Old enough to recognize and remember what's going on to some extent. He went through that and is now 9 and STILL an orphan. :(
His name is....ZEKE!!
Zeke will be 10 in May of 2015 and has Down syndrome. And he is located in Asia. :)
You can read more about him by clicking here.
I hope and pray I can raise $1,000 for this little man, but ultimately I pray I can find his forever family and get him home for his next Christmas. With the many things going on in my life right now I am relaying heavily on God and trusting that He will help me fund a decent amount for Zeke's Angel Tree.
I am not going to freak out and go nuts trying to reach $1,000 (though I will be fighting hard for it!), I am more leaving the amount in God's hand's while I work my best and hardest for him. :)
My fundraisers are going to simple right now. I will be making custom social media covers for Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. for a $5-$10 donation into Zeke's AT fund.
And I also have a brand new tshirt fundraiser that I am incredibly excited about! I plan on buying one myself!
And then I talked with Alyssa and she kind of talked some sense into me and reminded me of just HOW much I truly do love being a Christmas Warrior. With over 50 kids listed on the Angel Tree 2014 I knew that there was a kid that needed me this year. There's only 4 days left until Angel Tree starts, and still over 50 KIDS, that's not okay! (Scroll down to see how you can become a Christmas Warrior today!)
I began scrolling through the children available kids and was pretty sure I knew which one I was going to commit to, but then I saw one. One that I was somewhat familiar with from looking at the page SO much the day my first AT child was added to "My Family Found Me" page.
His photo made my heart melt and his story made me freeze and read it twice more. He was abandon at age 5. FIVE. Let that sink in a minute. Imagine a 5 year old you know being abandon. Old enough to recognize and remember what's going on to some extent. He went through that and is now 9 and STILL an orphan. :(
His name is....ZEKE!!
I am absolutely head over heels for this sweet little man! He's so sweet. And I pray his family find him SOON! He doesn't deserve to be an orphan. He's just so precious.
I signed up to be his Christmas Warrior and now I wait for the email.... (:
Zeke will be 10 in May of 2015 and has Down syndrome. And he is located in Asia. :)
You can read more about him by clicking here.
I hope and pray I can raise $1,000 for this little man, but ultimately I pray I can find his forever family and get him home for his next Christmas. With the many things going on in my life right now I am relaying heavily on God and trusting that He will help me fund a decent amount for Zeke's Angel Tree.
I am not going to freak out and go nuts trying to reach $1,000 (though I will be fighting hard for it!), I am more leaving the amount in God's hand's while I work my best and hardest for him. :)
My fundraisers are going to simple right now. I will be making custom social media covers for Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. for a $5-$10 donation into Zeke's AT fund.
And I also have a brand new tshirt fundraiser that I am incredibly excited about! I plan on buying one myself!
CLICK HERE to go look at sizing, info and buy yours! I will make so much percentage off each item someone orders for Zeke's Angel Tree!
In order for them to be shipped there has to be at least 5 ordered! (Don't worry you won't pay until the goal is met)
I'll be thinking of some more things, but for now this is all I've got up so please share or email me if you'd like a custom banner. :)
If you are interested in becoming a Christmas Warrior this year CLICK HERE to read how you can!
Thank you for reading and please keep little man Zeke in your prayers.
I'll post soon when I hear back from RR! :)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
New Firsts: Family Warrior
I want to start off this post with saying that due to privacy reasons I have taken down posts of the child a was a Christmas Warrior for. Her family has now named her Sofia and their agency isn't allowing them to share photos. Which is understandable and I would like to respect them and take down any info that might harm or delay their adoption process. :)
Onto the title of the post I have fantastic news! I am the official Family Warrior of the sweet Valenzuela family! And I couldn't be more excited and honored to help them bring their baby girl, Sofia home at last!
This is my first time ever dedicating my time and efforts into a family through being a Family Warrior.
I plan on helping them through my tutu business, The Glitter Corner, some tshirt fundraisers, custom digital banners for social media, and selling a few things my amazing grandmother has made. :)
They're estimating that their adoption will be $45,000 and I'm not aware of how much they currently have.
I am going write a whole post dedicated to just information about Sofia's family, so keep an eye out for that post that should come soon!
I've went ahead and updated and changed the information on my YouCaring fundraiser, so don't be alarmed if it's a little different than you've saw. All donations in there will be donated to the family's adoption fund through Reece's Rainbow.
For now the family has sent me a logo they're using in place of Sofia's photograph. This was made using a photo of Sofia's new sister. :) <3 So sweet.
If you would like to make a donation to Sofia's family adoption, just visit the link below.
Please keep them in your prayers and share my Youcaring link. They are so grateful for any help!
Onto the title of the post I have fantastic news! I am the official Family Warrior of the sweet Valenzuela family! And I couldn't be more excited and honored to help them bring their baby girl, Sofia home at last!
This is my first time ever dedicating my time and efforts into a family through being a Family Warrior.
I plan on helping them through my tutu business, The Glitter Corner, some tshirt fundraisers, custom digital banners for social media, and selling a few things my amazing grandmother has made. :)
They're estimating that their adoption will be $45,000 and I'm not aware of how much they currently have.
I am going write a whole post dedicated to just information about Sofia's family, so keep an eye out for that post that should come soon!
I've went ahead and updated and changed the information on my YouCaring fundraiser, so don't be alarmed if it's a little different than you've saw. All donations in there will be donated to the family's adoption fund through Reece's Rainbow.
For now the family has sent me a logo they're using in place of Sofia's photograph. This was made using a photo of Sofia's new sister. :) <3 So sweet.
If you would like to make a donation to Sofia's family adoption, just visit the link below.
Please keep them in your prayers and share my Youcaring link. They are so grateful for any help!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What would YOU buy?
If you are a member of the official Reece's Rainbow or even just following me on Facebook or Twitter, you know I've kinda gone tutu making crazy for Angel Tree!
SO.........I was wondering what kind of tutu would you order? These make perfect Halloween costumes (all you have to do is get a shirt to match). And beautiful birthday gifts or presents for little girls. Also great photography props.
My family is currently on vacation and I am able to go to ENDLESS big name craft store for supplies while I'm here.

I have some suggestions of inspired tutus to chose from...
Frozen, Batgirl (Batman), Superwoman, cotton candy, Christmas time, candy-corn, Minnie Mouse, practically any Disney princess movie and so much more!
Please Facebook message me your child's waist size and tell me if you would like a short or long one. I make tie back ones and elastic, you pick the best for your child (or pet!).
The cost is a $15 donation to my Angel Tree fund that I will set up soon.
Please please please, let me know if you are interested in anything asap! I have a lot of resources available right now to get the perfect supplies I need for your gorgeous tutus! :)
Email me or message me on Facebook for any questions or your order.
Thank you!!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Meet Joe
I have been a Guardian Angel for this precious little boy since March of 2014.
His name is Joe is 3 years old and an orphan with a list of special needs (That I will show you later on in this post.).
His sweet photograph is enough to melt anyone's heart. His chubby little kissable cheeks are so yummy and his yellow jacket make him look like a tiny bundle of sunshine. His description listed on Reece's Rainbow says that he attention from his caregivers and try's to get it through wiggling his upper body and shaking his head. And I can totally picture him doing those things. He's such a love. <3
His picture is really what grabbed my heart, but after praying for him over for months, I have fallen more in love with his personality that is described on his listing, He is an angel on earth and it's terrible to think that he is going to waste rotting in an orphanage.
In his description it also explains that he likes soft smiles and he communicates with others with his eyes. Just stop right there and imagine this for a moment...Joe..this little toddler, looking into your eyes. What would you see? Would you see the flashbacks of time after and after when he has watched others leave with their ba (father) and ma (mother)? Would you see all the lonely nights he's cried in his crib for a hand that would hold his and tell him everything is okay? Would you see all his fears? Would you see a child worth saving? I don't think I would, because I already do. Just by look in his eyes in the couple of photos I have of him. He's an innocent child whom has never known what real family love feels like.
When my days are bad and I feel like giving up, he is the one that can motivate me. He has so little, but finds joy in so many things. He needs a baba and mama to love him for the rest of his life. He only has a small paragraph description from when he was 10 months old, but he was described as incredible little man.
Aside from needing a forever family, right now he needs warriors. We are his voice, his hope and chance at breaking free from the orphanage walls and into a forever family that will care for him properly.
If you're reading this right now there is a good chance that you are very capable of helping shout for him! You are probably on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. and you could copy this link and paste it onto your post on every or any one of those social networks! You have the power to rescue a life at such a small cost of your time. If it were you, you would want someone to do the same, right? I would.
Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to help Joe. God is watching over Joe right now, and wants to hear you call out to Him for his help. He will carry Joe always. <3
International adoption can cost anywhere from $14,000-$60,000, that's not exactly cheap.
Reece's Rainbow has an adoption grant set up on Joe's profile. All of the donations will be saved for his hopeful future adoption. This is a huge part of the advocating role. It's crucial to have a good amount of money in the grant because all too often families decide to add another child onto their already ongoing adoption and the only way that is possible usually depends on the amount saved in a child's grant.
Right now Joe has a total of $40.50 in his adoption grant. That's a long way away from even scratching the surface of an international adoption cost. As I plan for future fundraisers to help that grant grow I'd like to invite you to make a donation of any amount to Joe's grant. It doesn't have to be now, not today, it can be when you get paid or have enough extra to donate.
I am incredibly grateful for any amount! It means more than I can describe, just to watch God touch hearts and change lives of the less fortunate. Thank you, thank you one million times! :) <3
CLICK HERE if you are interested in making a donation to Joe's adoption grant.
I keep referencing to the description of Joe's and by now you're probably curious and anxious to read the whole thing yourself, so wait no more here it is below:
"Boy, born Feb 2011
1.postoperative meningocele on lumbosacral area; 2. postoperative prolapse of rectum; 3. strephenopodia of both feet.
Joe has a ready smile, he watches what his caregivers are doing and gets their attention by shaking his head and wiggle his upper body. Perhaps because of his body, he prefers to have motion of upper body, shake head, wiggle body and roll over to one side etc. Now he is 10 months old, can sit alone, can say ba and ma, likes colorful toys; he likes to be close to others. He always communicates with others with his eyes and has sweet smiles."
.......What do you think? He's pretty wonderful, isn't he?
Please take note of the ways I shared with you to help him. You really are his voice and you really are helping save his life. I promise you. :) <3
CLICK HERE to visit Joe's profile on Reece's Rainbow
Don't hesitate to message, email or comment me any questions you have! If I can't answer them, I will find someone who can! Don't forget to share and pray for little Joe(y)! Thanks for reading! :)
His name is Joe is 3 years old and an orphan with a list of special needs (That I will show you later on in this post.).

His picture is really what grabbed my heart, but after praying for him over for months, I have fallen more in love with his personality that is described on his listing, He is an angel on earth and it's terrible to think that he is going to waste rotting in an orphanage.
In his description it also explains that he likes soft smiles and he communicates with others with his eyes. Just stop right there and imagine this for a moment...Joe..this little toddler, looking into your eyes. What would you see? Would you see the flashbacks of time after and after when he has watched others leave with their ba (father) and ma (mother)? Would you see all the lonely nights he's cried in his crib for a hand that would hold his and tell him everything is okay? Would you see all his fears? Would you see a child worth saving? I don't think I would, because I already do. Just by look in his eyes in the couple of photos I have of him. He's an innocent child whom has never known what real family love feels like.

Aside from needing a forever family, right now he needs warriors. We are his voice, his hope and chance at breaking free from the orphanage walls and into a forever family that will care for him properly.
If you're reading this right now there is a good chance that you are very capable of helping shout for him! You are probably on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. and you could copy this link and paste it onto your post on every or any one of those social networks! You have the power to rescue a life at such a small cost of your time. If it were you, you would want someone to do the same, right? I would.
Prayer is the most powerful and effective way to help Joe. God is watching over Joe right now, and wants to hear you call out to Him for his help. He will carry Joe always. <3
International adoption can cost anywhere from $14,000-$60,000, that's not exactly cheap.
Reece's Rainbow has an adoption grant set up on Joe's profile. All of the donations will be saved for his hopeful future adoption. This is a huge part of the advocating role. It's crucial to have a good amount of money in the grant because all too often families decide to add another child onto their already ongoing adoption and the only way that is possible usually depends on the amount saved in a child's grant.
Right now Joe has a total of $40.50 in his adoption grant. That's a long way away from even scratching the surface of an international adoption cost. As I plan for future fundraisers to help that grant grow I'd like to invite you to make a donation of any amount to Joe's grant. It doesn't have to be now, not today, it can be when you get paid or have enough extra to donate.
I am incredibly grateful for any amount! It means more than I can describe, just to watch God touch hearts and change lives of the less fortunate. Thank you, thank you one million times! :) <3
CLICK HERE if you are interested in making a donation to Joe's adoption grant.
I keep referencing to the description of Joe's and by now you're probably curious and anxious to read the whole thing yourself, so wait no more here it is below:
"Boy, born Feb 2011
1.postoperative meningocele on lumbosacral area; 2. postoperative prolapse of rectum; 3. strephenopodia of both feet.
Joe has a ready smile, he watches what his caregivers are doing and gets their attention by shaking his head and wiggle his upper body. Perhaps because of his body, he prefers to have motion of upper body, shake head, wiggle body and roll over to one side etc. Now he is 10 months old, can sit alone, can say ba and ma, likes colorful toys; he likes to be close to others. He always communicates with others with his eyes and has sweet smiles."
.......What do you think? He's pretty wonderful, isn't he?
Please take note of the ways I shared with you to help him. You really are his voice and you really are helping save his life. I promise you. :) <3
CLICK HERE to visit Joe's profile on Reece's Rainbow
Don't hesitate to message, email or comment me any questions you have! If I can't answer them, I will find someone who can! Don't forget to share and pray for little Joe(y)! Thanks for reading! :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
A Forgotten Pretty Face
Over the the last couple of years or so I have watched one particular child wait and wait.
This is somewhat understandable for me, simply because she is an Asian beauty and almost all of them look similar in ways, but not her.. at least not for me. There has always been something incredibly special about this one little girl, Fern.
She's unique. Precious. And well deserving of a wonderful family that will tend to her every need.
Oh! By the way..did I mention she's been an orphan her entire life? Yeah, you read correctly. This little girl has never known real love. She has never been held and hugged, told she is a priceless little gem.
Fern is a diamond in the rough. Her hair has continuously been shaven, instead being grown out into gorgeous long locks of silky black hair. She's always been dressed in mismatched clothing. She's never been properly cared for. No one has ever been there to guide her, to walk with her through these precious first years of life. The things we all took for granted as young children, she has never felt or known.
Read this from an adopting mother that actually met Fern:
"Let me start by saying my heart broke for this little one. She is unable to sit up or feed herself. She cannot walk. She was brought to me in the crib. She smiled when I spoke to her and she grabbed my hand when I placed mine in hers. She laughed when we tickled her and she seemed to enjoy my attention. The nannies say she can smile and laugh when tickled. She can chew and swallow food. She has a familiar caretaker and smiles when she is with her. She is described as a very content child. She is easy going."
...She is wasting away in an orphanage. Her most wonderful toddler years have been spent rotting with no one that can give her a motherly love that she so desperately needs to help grow.
I want so much to lift her into my arms and tell her how adorable she looks, kiss those chubby cheeks and tickle her tummy just to watch her giggle. She needs that. She needs someone to care for her.
I get it! Not all of us can hop on the adoption bus today and snatch her, but hear this: You don't have to adopt to help! Take it from someone who has spent four years advocating, praying and watching God perform miracles in each little one's life.
Prayer is powerful and you have the power to do that anywhere at anytime. Take advantage of that and say a daily prayer for not just Fern, but all the many orphans in this world. Whether you believe it or not, you are making a big difference. The Creator of the universe is listening to your prayers and will do what He knows is best.
Unless someone has handed you a print-out copy of this post, then you have the power to share this and other orphan related things right now. Copy the link and paste it onto your Twitter, Facebook, email and virtually anywhere. Hashtag the heck out of it with things like #orphan #help #makeachange #pray #retweet helps! You never know when someone that is following you on social media is the future mother or/and father of the orphan you're sharing.
Almost every child listed on Reece's Rainbow has a donation button setup on their profile. Through that you are able to make a donation towards that child's adoption grant. Which makes a HUGE difference. There are so many wonderful stories I could sit here and tell you about families who expressed how helpful the adoption grants are to their adoption process. Since international adoption can cost anywhere from $14,000-$50,000. Not so cheap, right?
Fern is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to overlooked orphans. There are 147 MILLION orphans in our world today. 147 children that need a voice. You can be their voice. Speak up for those who can't speak. Close your eyes and just put yourself in an orphans shoes, you would want someone to speak for you, wouldn't you? And what words would you want someone to say, to save your life? Think about those questions today.
Fern needs a family. She's 4 years old. She doesn't need to wait any longer! Share this post! Retweet, screen shot it for Instagram and hashtag is like wild! She needs out! And you can help! :)
If you would like to make a donation and read more information about Fern please click this link.
Thank you for reading and please don't hesitate to comment or email me with any questions you have! And even comment and tell me about how you helped an orphan (It can be Fern too.. ;) ), I would LOVE to hear your stories.
This is somewhat understandable for me, simply because she is an Asian beauty and almost all of them look similar in ways, but not her.. at least not for me. There has always been something incredibly special about this one little girl, Fern.
She's unique. Precious. And well deserving of a wonderful family that will tend to her every need.
Oh! By the way..did I mention she's been an orphan her entire life? Yeah, you read correctly. This little girl has never known real love. She has never been held and hugged, told she is a priceless little gem.
Fern is a diamond in the rough. Her hair has continuously been shaven, instead being grown out into gorgeous long locks of silky black hair. She's always been dressed in mismatched clothing. She's never been properly cared for. No one has ever been there to guide her, to walk with her through these precious first years of life. The things we all took for granted as young children, she has never felt or known.
Read this from an adopting mother that actually met Fern:
"Let me start by saying my heart broke for this little one. She is unable to sit up or feed herself. She cannot walk. She was brought to me in the crib. She smiled when I spoke to her and she grabbed my hand when I placed mine in hers. She laughed when we tickled her and she seemed to enjoy my attention. The nannies say she can smile and laugh when tickled. She can chew and swallow food. She has a familiar caretaker and smiles when she is with her. She is described as a very content child. She is easy going."
...She is wasting away in an orphanage. Her most wonderful toddler years have been spent rotting with no one that can give her a motherly love that she so desperately needs to help grow.
I want so much to lift her into my arms and tell her how adorable she looks, kiss those chubby cheeks and tickle her tummy just to watch her giggle. She needs that. She needs someone to care for her.
I get it! Not all of us can hop on the adoption bus today and snatch her, but hear this: You don't have to adopt to help! Take it from someone who has spent four years advocating, praying and watching God perform miracles in each little one's life.
Prayer is powerful and you have the power to do that anywhere at anytime. Take advantage of that and say a daily prayer for not just Fern, but all the many orphans in this world. Whether you believe it or not, you are making a big difference. The Creator of the universe is listening to your prayers and will do what He knows is best.
Unless someone has handed you a print-out copy of this post, then you have the power to share this and other orphan related things right now. Copy the link and paste it onto your Twitter, Facebook, email and virtually anywhere. Hashtag the heck out of it with things like #orphan #help #makeachange #pray #retweet helps! You never know when someone that is following you on social media is the future mother or/and father of the orphan you're sharing.
Almost every child listed on Reece's Rainbow has a donation button setup on their profile. Through that you are able to make a donation towards that child's adoption grant. Which makes a HUGE difference. There are so many wonderful stories I could sit here and tell you about families who expressed how helpful the adoption grants are to their adoption process. Since international adoption can cost anywhere from $14,000-$50,000. Not so cheap, right?
![]() |
Baby Fern..(SO CUTE) |
Fern needs a family. She's 4 years old. She doesn't need to wait any longer! Share this post! Retweet, screen shot it for Instagram and hashtag is like wild! She needs out! And you can help! :)
If you would like to make a donation and read more information about Fern please click this link.
Thank you for reading and please don't hesitate to comment or email me with any questions you have! And even comment and tell me about how you helped an orphan (It can be Fern too.. ;) ), I would LOVE to hear your stories.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Reloaded, Remodeled & Ready

Life changes dramatically after you graduate, there are a lot of important decisions to make and choices to chose. I took a long break from everything during those couple of weeks and decided I needed time to regroup before blogging hardcore again.
And of course, with new changes in life, it only makes sense to remodel my blog! It feels so good now! It's colorful and fun. exactly how I hoped it would turn out! I updated almost everything on here from photos to the about me section. I've almost covered it all. Almost! (I'm still in the process....)
And if you've had a chance to read any of the new information added then you're aware that this is officially my "ANYTHING. EVERYTHING AND PERSONAL" blog! On a daily basis when I do things I often think "Ohh, this could be a great blog post...but then I would have to make whole new blog..." So here we go! Yet another change added and it feels wonderful!
I'm going to be adding things from DIY projects, crafts, photography, fashion, hair and makeup tutorials and reviews and many faith speaking posts as well! :)
Don't worry though, this will still be my advocating blog too! And I don't plan on shadowing it with these new touches either. It'll still be my number one. :)
I'm so thankful for anyone who wants to follow me or subscribe! I will be posting A LOT more. I have future posts already lined up and ready to go!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Photos Ordered and Maybe Another...?
I know this is really simple, and probably needless for a post, but I'm going to do it anyway.
I just ordered prints of Fern and Joe...and another little one..
I'm still praying about that third cutie I ordered photos of as well, but if it's meant to be I'm sure God will make it clear that I am meant to add the little angel to my advocating journey.
Make sure you keep checking back. :)
I just ordered prints of Fern and Joe...and another little one..
I'm still praying about that third cutie I ordered photos of as well, but if it's meant to be I'm sure God will make it clear that I am meant to add the little angel to my advocating journey.
Make sure you keep checking back. :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The title of this post is TRUE!!! "My" dear sweet Talia has found her forever family!! As a matter of fact it was published a little over a week ago, but I haven't had the chance to to post it until now.
This is surely a big blessing from the Lord! I knew that He would provide for this sweet sweet little darling. <3
This is surely a big blessing from the Lord! I knew that He would provide for this sweet sweet little darling. <3
Someone saw what an angel she truly is. Someone is finally going to give her everything she needs to bloom into an even more beautiful little girl that she is. Someone is going to give her all the things she's never known she deserves! <3
For the very first time in her life she will truly feel love from the arms of a family!
No more waiting or wondering sweet little girl! They are coming for you! They love you!
They're coming to your rescue! It won't be much longer now! :)
Hold on tight, I'm praying for you all the way. I won't stop praying for you! You're going to make it home! <3
As of right now, I don't know who is adopting her or anything like that. Hopefully it will be soon though and I will try my hardest to keep everyone up to date on all things Talia! :) <3
Thank you for every single prayer, donation and share! Continue to pray for her and please pray for the family. International adoption is certainly a long, challenging process, they just want their daughter already! So be sure to keep them in prayer! :)
Hold on baby girl, you're getting out of there soon! I'm praying you home!
My Family Found Me,
orphan no more,
Reece's Rainbow,
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Blessings Poured from His Hands - "My" Little Man
One year ago on May 5th I was on a vacation with my family. We had taken a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC.
I was away from internet access for a good bit of the week, which I didn't mind because I enjoyed escaping the usual activities of life while on vacation. But there was something that kept checking in to my email. A few weeks earlier (if that) a precious boy, Vytas (now known as Noah) that I had been a prayer warrior for had found his forever family. I had waited a couple days before searching for another child to begin advocating for, but it didn't take me very long at all to find the one that tugged at my heart. This child was extremely special to me for some unknown reason, when I saw their picture I had no words for how I felt for him.
Needless to say, I had signed up to become his prayer and orphan warrior through Reece's Rainbow. I anxiously awaited for a couple of days, checking in on my email every chance I got in the hotel room. And finally on May 5 2013 I received the email confirming that I was officially the handsome little boy known as Mick('s) official warrior!
I remember how excited I was for this new journey and chance that I had to bless this little one. I was slightly disappointed that I only had one picture of him, but I was also very grateful for the one picture I did have of him. Because it showed how incredibly precious he was.
Through out my time advocating for him I collected a few things to store in what I call a "keepsake box".
His keepsake box theme was penguin. No specific reason. I just saw the little blue stuffed penguin and instantly thought of his little face. :)
Shortly into the year of 2014 I received information informing me that there was a family interested in adopting him and that it wouldn't be an extremely long process if it went through well because they were already in country.
Oh heavens. When I heard this news literally stopped breathing for moments. My mouth probably close to hitting the floor, I was in complete shock. My heart skipped a few beats before I began breathing rapidly trying to find words to describe what I had just read. It almost seemed to wonderful to be real! This moment I had prayed nearly a year for and here it was. A day I had only dreamed and prayed for was actually real life at last. When I imagined how I would one day react to Mick finding a family I always thought I would scream at the top of my lungs, but that actually isn't what I did. I just kept breathing heavily and saying "Oh my word...Oh my word...Oh my word!!! This is real!" I repeated the same sentences well over ten times in my room alone. I was brought back down to earth when my ten year old entered the room and stared at me as if I were an alien (Ha-ha!). As I continued repeating the same thing, only a different sentence she repeatedly yelled "What?!" several times ay me. I looked at her and pointed to the picture of Mick hanging above my bed and managed to say "That boy we've been praying for for months, He might have a family!". She smiled brightly and cheered, with that I bolted down the stairs to tell my mom and sisters who had played such a huge role in supporting and helping me advocate for him. My mom was in awe and instantly her eyes filled with tears of happiness. My sisters were ecstatic over the whole situation as well.
And you may be thinking that I really was over dramatizing this, but I kid you not. I was ten times happier than I child on Christmas morning. This little life had been on my mind in my prayers for almost a year and now all my dreams and hopes for him were suddenly becoming a reality. When you wait for so long for something you're still so unsure of you are completely stunned when it actually happens.
And I'm not a bit ashamed to share my excitement with you and the whole world that reads this.
The adoption process was basically private to me the entire time and it tended to feel a lot longer than it ever really was. I got a couple of updates from the person that knew information. I only knew this much because I was his faithful warrior through RR and when he was taken off randomly I suspect they didn't want me to freak out, so they told me what was going on.
Oh for about the two - three months of the adoption process seemed like forever, because I was just dying to know who was adopting "my" little man, but I was told that I couldn't know or contact them until they were back in country. So I waited and waited, then finally one of my friends told me that they thought they knew who was adopting him and then they the person's information. It took me weeks to finally decide to friend who they said may be his mama, simply because I was afraid of the response I may get. I've learned with advocating for orphans that you never know just how the family will respond to their child having an advocate. Some adore it, some think it's alright and some never want anything to do with you. It's hard to build yourself up for a relationship that may never happen or not turn out the way you've always hoped it would.
After a couple weeks of messaging her, she responded! She was everything I had prayed so hard for! She is sweet, kind, loving and just overall a wonderful woman. She has a husband and they have one big gorgeous family.
After almost one year of being in love and advocating for little man Mick I requested a photograph of him, and you know what? She sent me not one, but TWO!
I would like you all to see precious little Lincoln Joel...(aka Mick ;) )....
Can you believe how he has grown?! Oh the Lord provides my friends! He's blessed Mick...I mean Lincoln..(still trying to get use to his new handsome and beautiful name) beyond measures! This child is so loved and adored and growing happy now! And from the way his mama's talks, it sounds like they are quiet blessed to have them in their lives. :) <3
She tells me that he's very intelligent and very funny. :) I cannot tell you just how wonderful it is to know what kind of personality he has. It's incredibly comforting to know that he has someone giving him kisses, hugs, proper care and endless love given to him every day. The Lord is faithful always. He hears our cries and prayers and answers them in His own timing. I am forever grateful that Lincoln was brought into my life. Through everything I gave and did I wouldn't trade a moment of it for the world! I believe that he was brought into my life for a special purpose and I will never take it for granted. He is precious in every way and I feel blessed that I had such an opportunity to play a small part in his life. :)
Thank you for every single person who ever prayed, donated, shared, etc for Lincoln (aka Mick)! You helped me and him both more than I could ever describe! You were a blessing even if you helped in the tiniest way. I am grateful for you! :) <3
I hope that you found pleasure in reading this post and please share it to anyone who has ever helped him in the past! I want everyone to see what God has done! This is a story overflowing with blessings poured out from the Lord's hands. :) <3
I was away from internet access for a good bit of the week, which I didn't mind because I enjoyed escaping the usual activities of life while on vacation. But there was something that kept checking in to my email. A few weeks earlier (if that) a precious boy, Vytas (now known as Noah) that I had been a prayer warrior for had found his forever family. I had waited a couple days before searching for another child to begin advocating for, but it didn't take me very long at all to find the one that tugged at my heart. This child was extremely special to me for some unknown reason, when I saw their picture I had no words for how I felt for him.
Needless to say, I had signed up to become his prayer and orphan warrior through Reece's Rainbow. I anxiously awaited for a couple of days, checking in on my email every chance I got in the hotel room. And finally on May 5 2013 I received the email confirming that I was officially the handsome little boy known as Mick('s) official warrior!
I remember how excited I was for this new journey and chance that I had to bless this little one. I was slightly disappointed that I only had one picture of him, but I was also very grateful for the one picture I did have of him. Because it showed how incredibly precious he was.
Little did I know that this would be the only photo I would ever see of him in my whole time advocating for him. I never expected that would be advocating for him from May 2013- February 2014.
I have honestly never grown so close to a child in all my years of advocating. He was my special little buddy. I longed to see another picture. One where he was smiling and happy. I hoped and prayed everyday that I would see him listed on the My Family Found Me page.
I grew so close to a child that didn't even know I existed. A child that I had never met, had little information of and only one photo.
I was truly in love with this little life and desired to be his mama. With being 17-18 in my time advocating for him, I knew that simply just wasn't possible. There was never a doubt that there was a very special mommy out there for him though.
The most unforgettable experience I had with Mick was Angel Tree 2013.
I had never raised money for a child on my own, only with my best friend, Alyssa.
I signed up literally the moment Angel Tree sign ups opened, to become Mick's Angel Tree Warrior.
And within a day or two it was confirmed that I was officially his AT warrior and the goal was to raise $1,000 for his adoption grant.
It seemed and felt like a most impossible goal to reach on my own, but with the help of my supportive family God pulled through with an incredible miracle and blessed Mick with a stunning $1,050! I was in awe of this for weeks.Through out my time advocating for him I collected a few things to store in what I call a "keepsake box".
His keepsake box theme was penguin. No specific reason. I just saw the little blue stuffed penguin and instantly thought of his little face. :)
Shortly into the year of 2014 I received information informing me that there was a family interested in adopting him and that it wouldn't be an extremely long process if it went through well because they were already in country.
Oh heavens. When I heard this news literally stopped breathing for moments. My mouth probably close to hitting the floor, I was in complete shock. My heart skipped a few beats before I began breathing rapidly trying to find words to describe what I had just read. It almost seemed to wonderful to be real! This moment I had prayed nearly a year for and here it was. A day I had only dreamed and prayed for was actually real life at last. When I imagined how I would one day react to Mick finding a family I always thought I would scream at the top of my lungs, but that actually isn't what I did. I just kept breathing heavily and saying "Oh my word...Oh my word...Oh my word!!! This is real!" I repeated the same sentences well over ten times in my room alone. I was brought back down to earth when my ten year old entered the room and stared at me as if I were an alien (Ha-ha!). As I continued repeating the same thing, only a different sentence she repeatedly yelled "What?!" several times ay me. I looked at her and pointed to the picture of Mick hanging above my bed and managed to say "That boy we've been praying for for months, He might have a family!". She smiled brightly and cheered, with that I bolted down the stairs to tell my mom and sisters who had played such a huge role in supporting and helping me advocate for him. My mom was in awe and instantly her eyes filled with tears of happiness. My sisters were ecstatic over the whole situation as well.
And you may be thinking that I really was over dramatizing this, but I kid you not. I was ten times happier than I child on Christmas morning. This little life had been on my mind in my prayers for almost a year and now all my dreams and hopes for him were suddenly becoming a reality. When you wait for so long for something you're still so unsure of you are completely stunned when it actually happens.
And I'm not a bit ashamed to share my excitement with you and the whole world that reads this.
The adoption process was basically private to me the entire time and it tended to feel a lot longer than it ever really was. I got a couple of updates from the person that knew information. I only knew this much because I was his faithful warrior through RR and when he was taken off randomly I suspect they didn't want me to freak out, so they told me what was going on.
Oh for about the two - three months of the adoption process seemed like forever, because I was just dying to know who was adopting "my" little man, but I was told that I couldn't know or contact them until they were back in country. So I waited and waited, then finally one of my friends told me that they thought they knew who was adopting him and then they the person's information. It took me weeks to finally decide to friend who they said may be his mama, simply because I was afraid of the response I may get. I've learned with advocating for orphans that you never know just how the family will respond to their child having an advocate. Some adore it, some think it's alright and some never want anything to do with you. It's hard to build yourself up for a relationship that may never happen or not turn out the way you've always hoped it would.
After a couple weeks of messaging her, she responded! She was everything I had prayed so hard for! She is sweet, kind, loving and just overall a wonderful woman. She has a husband and they have one big gorgeous family.
After almost one year of being in love and advocating for little man Mick I requested a photograph of him, and you know what? She sent me not one, but TWO!
I would like you all to see precious little Lincoln Joel...(aka Mick ;) )....
Can you believe how he has grown?! Oh the Lord provides my friends! He's blessed Mick...I mean Lincoln..(still trying to get use to his new handsome and beautiful name) beyond measures! This child is so loved and adored and growing happy now! And from the way his mama's talks, it sounds like they are quiet blessed to have them in their lives. :) <3
She tells me that he's very intelligent and very funny. :) I cannot tell you just how wonderful it is to know what kind of personality he has. It's incredibly comforting to know that he has someone giving him kisses, hugs, proper care and endless love given to him every day. The Lord is faithful always. He hears our cries and prayers and answers them in His own timing. I am forever grateful that Lincoln was brought into my life. Through everything I gave and did I wouldn't trade a moment of it for the world! I believe that he was brought into my life for a special purpose and I will never take it for granted. He is precious in every way and I feel blessed that I had such an opportunity to play a small part in his life. :)
Thank you for every single person who ever prayed, donated, shared, etc for Lincoln (aka Mick)! You helped me and him both more than I could ever describe! You were a blessing even if you helped in the tiniest way. I am grateful for you! :) <3
I hope that you found pleasure in reading this post and please share it to anyone who has ever helped him in the past! I want everyone to see what God has done! This is a story overflowing with blessings poured out from the Lord's hands. :) <3
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