Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Reminder Tonight

I haven't advocated since last November during Angel Tree, but as I scroll through the pages of Reece's Rainbow for the first time in quite sometime I get "that" feeling again.   The feeling of God tugging at my heart while I look into the eyes of countless innocent children's photographs.   Reminding me just how helpless and desperate each one is.   Spending their days going through the motions over and over again,  it's all the same.  Never knowing what love is, or even worse knowing you had it at one time and then losing it.   

It's so incredibly easy to go through our days consumed with all of our own worries and troubles that too often we forget there are others dealing with a much greater deal of pain and suffering than we are.   From the millions injured, heartbroken and lost in Nepal to the orphans hungry for love and attention.   

If you are a follower of God and He has richly blessed you with a soft bed to rest on at the end of your long day, a roof over your head with heating to keep you warm during the bitter cold nights, food in your kitchen when you are hungry, a doctor that can usually diagnose you and help heal you in a short matter of time and the comfort of knowing you can provide for your family because of your job, then you should more than willingly be so generous and bless someone with the many blessings God has given you.

I am so grateful that God reminded me of this tonight. 

