I was away from internet access for a good bit of the week, which I didn't mind because I enjoyed escaping the usual activities of life while on vacation. But there was something that kept checking in to my email. A few weeks earlier (if that) a precious boy, Vytas (now known as Noah) that I had been a prayer warrior for had found his forever family. I had waited a couple days before searching for another child to begin advocating for, but it didn't take me very long at all to find the one that tugged at my heart. This child was extremely special to me for some unknown reason, when I saw their picture I had no words for how I felt for him.
Needless to say, I had signed up to become his prayer and orphan warrior through Reece's Rainbow. I anxiously awaited for a couple of days, checking in on my email every chance I got in the hotel room. And finally on May 5 2013 I received the email confirming that I was officially the handsome little boy known as Mick('s) official warrior!
I remember how excited I was for this new journey and chance that I had to bless this little one. I was slightly disappointed that I only had one picture of him, but I was also very grateful for the one picture I did have of him. Because it showed how incredibly precious he was.
Little did I know that this would be the only photo I would ever see of him in my whole time advocating for him. I never expected that would be advocating for him from May 2013- February 2014.
I have honestly never grown so close to a child in all my years of advocating. He was my special little buddy. I longed to see another picture. One where he was smiling and happy. I hoped and prayed everyday that I would see him listed on the My Family Found Me page.
I grew so close to a child that didn't even know I existed. A child that I had never met, had little information of and only one photo.
I was truly in love with this little life and desired to be his mama. With being 17-18 in my time advocating for him, I knew that simply just wasn't possible. There was never a doubt that there was a very special mommy out there for him though.
The most unforgettable experience I had with Mick was Angel Tree 2013.
I had never raised money for a child on my own, only with my best friend, Alyssa.
I signed up literally the moment Angel Tree sign ups opened, to become Mick's Angel Tree Warrior.
And within a day or two it was confirmed that I was officially his AT warrior and the goal was to raise $1,000 for his adoption grant.
It seemed and felt like a most impossible goal to reach on my own, but with the help of my supportive family God pulled through with an incredible miracle and blessed Mick with a stunning $1,050! I was in awe of this for weeks.Through out my time advocating for him I collected a few things to store in what I call a "keepsake box".
His keepsake box theme was penguin. No specific reason. I just saw the little blue stuffed penguin and instantly thought of his little face. :)
Shortly into the year of 2014 I received information informing me that there was a family interested in adopting him and that it wouldn't be an extremely long process if it went through well because they were already in country.
Oh heavens. When I heard this news literally stopped breathing for moments. My mouth probably close to hitting the floor, I was in complete shock. My heart skipped a few beats before I began breathing rapidly trying to find words to describe what I had just read. It almost seemed to wonderful to be real! This moment I had prayed nearly a year for and here it was. A day I had only dreamed and prayed for was actually real life at last. When I imagined how I would one day react to Mick finding a family I always thought I would scream at the top of my lungs, but that actually isn't what I did. I just kept breathing heavily and saying "Oh my word...Oh my word...Oh my word!!! This is real!" I repeated the same sentences well over ten times in my room alone. I was brought back down to earth when my ten year old entered the room and stared at me as if I were an alien (Ha-ha!). As I continued repeating the same thing, only a different sentence she repeatedly yelled "What?!" several times ay me. I looked at her and pointed to the picture of Mick hanging above my bed and managed to say "That boy we've been praying for for months, He might have a family!". She smiled brightly and cheered, with that I bolted down the stairs to tell my mom and sisters who had played such a huge role in supporting and helping me advocate for him. My mom was in awe and instantly her eyes filled with tears of happiness. My sisters were ecstatic over the whole situation as well.
And you may be thinking that I really was over dramatizing this, but I kid you not. I was ten times happier than I child on Christmas morning. This little life had been on my mind in my prayers for almost a year and now all my dreams and hopes for him were suddenly becoming a reality. When you wait for so long for something you're still so unsure of you are completely stunned when it actually happens.
And I'm not a bit ashamed to share my excitement with you and the whole world that reads this.
The adoption process was basically private to me the entire time and it tended to feel a lot longer than it ever really was. I got a couple of updates from the person that knew information. I only knew this much because I was his faithful warrior through RR and when he was taken off randomly I suspect they didn't want me to freak out, so they told me what was going on.
Oh for about the two - three months of the adoption process seemed like forever, because I was just dying to know who was adopting "my" little man, but I was told that I couldn't know or contact them until they were back in country. So I waited and waited, then finally one of my friends told me that they thought they knew who was adopting him and then they the person's information. It took me weeks to finally decide to friend who they said may be his mama, simply because I was afraid of the response I may get. I've learned with advocating for orphans that you never know just how the family will respond to their child having an advocate. Some adore it, some think it's alright and some never want anything to do with you. It's hard to build yourself up for a relationship that may never happen or not turn out the way you've always hoped it would.
After a couple weeks of messaging her, she responded! She was everything I had prayed so hard for! She is sweet, kind, loving and just overall a wonderful woman. She has a husband and they have one big gorgeous family.
After almost one year of being in love and advocating for little man Mick I requested a photograph of him, and you know what? She sent me not one, but TWO!
I would like you all to see precious little Lincoln Joel...(aka Mick ;) )....
Can you believe how he has grown?! Oh the Lord provides my friends! He's blessed Mick...I mean Lincoln..(still trying to get use to his new handsome and beautiful name) beyond measures! This child is so loved and adored and growing happy now! And from the way his mama's talks, it sounds like they are quiet blessed to have them in their lives. :) <3
She tells me that he's very intelligent and very funny. :) I cannot tell you just how wonderful it is to know what kind of personality he has. It's incredibly comforting to know that he has someone giving him kisses, hugs, proper care and endless love given to him every day. The Lord is faithful always. He hears our cries and prayers and answers them in His own timing. I am forever grateful that Lincoln was brought into my life. Through everything I gave and did I wouldn't trade a moment of it for the world! I believe that he was brought into my life for a special purpose and I will never take it for granted. He is precious in every way and I feel blessed that I had such an opportunity to play a small part in his life. :)
Thank you for every single person who ever prayed, donated, shared, etc for Lincoln (aka Mick)! You helped me and him both more than I could ever describe! You were a blessing even if you helped in the tiniest way. I am grateful for you! :) <3
I hope that you found pleasure in reading this post and please share it to anyone who has ever helped him in the past! I want everyone to see what God has done! This is a story overflowing with blessings poured out from the Lord's hands. :) <3