My heart has fallen in love with two more beautiful babies. One that I've loved since she was listed and the other a "stranger", but had me speechless at the first look at her photo.
I can't hide my excitement any longer so I will, with great pleasure, announce the two beauties that I will advocating for!
Meet Talia

These two girls have literally captured my heart in every way that a heart can be captured. My heart breaks for them, but is also so thankful that God led me to them. I am so blessed that I have been given a chance to better the lives of two more children in need of finding their forever families.
Recently, when I visited my blog I felt it was empty, and that confused me because I thought that I had told myself that Joe would be the only focus for me. Days past and I still felt that emptiness in my heart and on my blog, I felt that maybe this was God preparing my heart for a change in my advocating life. I know, I sound crazy, but whenever I get those "feelings" I just usually trust that it's something God has in store for me.
Curious if God was directing me to add another child to my orphan advocacy I went to the child that I've loved and nearly advocated for several times to see if I got what me and my advocating sisters call the "mommy feeling" that usually leads us to believe that we have a special connection to the child. Still I was hesitant. I just wasn't sure if I should add another child at this point in my life. I posted in a group that morning asking if anyone had updated photos of this beautiful girl, Fern.
Friday night came, and like the party animal I am (Ha. Ha.), I sat on my sofa scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed when suddenly I stumble onto a post that someone has made about a gorgeous little girl that is medically fragile and just like that I was mesmerized. This little girl tugged at my heart so hard that within the next five minutes I was emailing RR to request becoming her official Guardian Angel. Never have I ever reacted to a child that quickly. But never did I ever regret doing it.
Just minutes (or less) after requesting to become that medically fragile sweet child's Guardian Angel I got a notification on my Facebook telling me that someone had replied to my question about Fern having an update any recently.
Naturally, I went to the post, only to discover that an adopting mama recently met Fern and had new photos and information about her! This was extremely exciting and completely unexpected for me because I had been watching Fern since she was listed on RR a looong time ago and never did she have an update! EVER!
I take a look at the new photos and I melt into a puddle, I am in love with yet another child all within the same five minutes.
Yes. I was feeling crazy and a little bit confused. What was I to do? I already had one precious child I was advocating for, requested to be another's and then fell in love with a third baby.
I have to be completely honest here, it didn't take me long at all before decided that in some way, shape, or form I would indeed help Fern too, There was no escaping the feelings I had for her.
And the following Monday, I got the email from RR that I was officially Talia's Guardian Angel! :) <3
She's literally the size of a doll! (ILOVEHERSOMUCH) |
After asking if I could possibly become a Guardian Angel for a third child, and getting an approval I then requested to become Fern's Guardian Angel!
She's SO kissable! ILOVEHERSOMUCH!!! |
I don't feel afraid or overwhelmed with being a Guardian Angel for three children. I know that with lots of prayer and a lot of hard work and effort, I can do this! And I know that if you love this kids even just half as much as I do, then you will follow this blog and help shout for Joe, Talia and Fern!
The follow/subscribe buttons are all located over there on the right side ---->>>>
Please join me in praying daily for these sweet kids! I know that our Heavenly Father will hear our every prayer and loves them soooo much! He will rescue them and protect them. <3
Thank you for reading and please feel free to share!
Don't forget to follow before you leave! I will be holding fundraisers and doing some fun little things for them in this exciting new journey! :)
Consider making a donation to their adoption grant?