Friday, February 28, 2014

Peggy | Vote for Peggy!

This is kind of like an urgent post!  In the middle of designing Unlocking Lyubov I forgot about requesting votes for "my" precious girl Peggy on the Reece's Rainbow project, 21 Days of Hope .
With that being said, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE!   I can't see how many votes Peggy currently has, but I'm guessing it isn't many since I am her warrior and have sadly spoke zero about this until now.   

I need everyone who hasn't voted yet to please give Peggy a chance!  She's newly listed on Reece's Rainbow and isn't known that well yet.   

Peggy needs to be voted in the top 21 by MIDNIGHT.

"DOUBLE THE FUNDS! For each $1000 raised for our Voice of Hope Fundbetween 1 and 21 March, another designated child will earn a $2100 grant from an anonymous donor!"

Peggy has many medical needs that are causing her to be in so much pain.  There's no healing inside those orphanage walls.  She needs a forever family to rescue her FAST.   Having money in her adoption grant would help her out a lot!  

                   *Please SHARE THIS post* 

                             That will be a huge help in this!  I can't thank you enough for voting for Peggy!

                     CLICK HERE TO GO VOTE!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome to Unlocking Lyubov

Right away you're probably wondering what on earth lyubov is or means.   So I'll go ahead and start there.   Lyubov is the Ukrainian word for love.   And now I'm sure that the question lingering in your head is, why?
Ukraine has a special place in my heart, specifically because of the beautiful special needs children that are locked away in the orphanages.  Better known as "Ukraine's forgotten children".  
I put into words they way I feel about the precious children there, so many have captured my heart over the past years I've been advocating and caused me to become more interested in their country.   
That doesn't necessarily mean that I only advocate for orphans listed in Ukraine, because honestly, I don't!  I advocate for the child that I feel a special connection with.    

With that being said, I would like to welcome you to my new personal advocating blog!  For over a year now I've created a new blog for each child I begin advocating for.  After a while, it gets a little old, creating a new blog for each child and then having too many to keep up with in the end.  This way you can easily follow all things advocacy by me.  I feel that this will be a more productive way of getting people to follow my blog, which will help with the children I advocate for,   

I greatly appreciate any support, comments and shares,   I hope you enjoy reading through my blog and follow or subscribe!  

Oh and be sure to check out the pages of the precious kid(s) I advocate for!