With that being said, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! I can't see how many votes Peggy currently has, but I'm guessing it isn't many since I am her warrior and have sadly spoke zero about this until now.
I need everyone who hasn't voted yet to please give Peggy a chance! She's newly listed on Reece's Rainbow and isn't known that well yet.
Peggy needs to be voted in the top 21 by MIDNIGHT.
"DOUBLE THE FUNDS! For each $1000 raised for our Voice of Hope Fundbetween 1 and 21 March, another designated child will earn a $2100 grant from an anonymous donor!"
Peggy has many medical needs that are causing her to be in so much pain. There's no healing inside those orphanage walls. She needs a forever family to rescue her FAST. Having money in her adoption grant would help her out a lot!
*Please SHARE THIS post*
That will be a huge help in this! I can't thank you enough for voting for Peggy!